NORTH LINCOLNSHIREGroup Travel Guidewww.visitnorthlincolnshire.com4 Heritage 8 Culture, arts & events10 Countryside & nature12 Market towns & independent shopping14 Not just for kids16 Eat, drink & be entertained18 As a base to explore20 Attractions24 Where to stay26 Planning your visit 2ContentsHumber BridgeNorth Lincolnshire’s tranquil countryside,charming attractions and fascinating heritagemake it the perfect choice for an overnight stayor short break. The area is steeped in history and hastraditions going back hundreds of years. It is the home ofthe arts, nature and wildlife and is a centre for cultureand creative thinking.Located in the centre of the country, North Lincolnshireopens the doors to the Humber region and cities such asHull, Sheffield and Leeds. Historic Lincoln and York arejust an hour away whilst the wonderful coastline ofLincolnshire and Yorkshire are within easy reach.In this guide we will show you the highlights of ourbeautiful county but there is so much more waiting foryou to discover. Our dedicated team are ready to helpyou plan your trip, suggest itineraries and offer adviceon attractions, accommodation, travel and parking. Wecan also provide details of current group discounts,special accommodation rates and coach driverincentives, as well provide images and furtherinformation to promote your tour. So do get in touch, we are happy to assist and lookforward to welcoming you to North Lincolnshire.It really is “the best place to visit”.Further informationTo find out more about visiting the area contact:North Lincolnshire Tourist Information Centre£01652 657053 to North Lincolnshire3NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE | WELCOME4Epworth – Home of The Wesleys Epworth is rich in history andheritage, being the birthplace ofJohn and Charles Wesley, thefounders of World Methodism.The Old Rectory, once theirfamily home and now a museum,tells the story of their family andThe Wesley Trail takes you on avoyage of discovery around thetown. St Andrew’s, a beautifulrefurbished 12th century churchand the stunning WesleyMemorial Methodist Church arenot to be missed, as well as manyother reminders of the town’smost famous sons.Historic Barton-upon-Humber The Ropewalk and The Old TileWorks, located in the shadows ofthe Humber Bridge are legacies ofthe importance of Barton’shistoric trade and industry. In theheart of the town’s conservationarea is the Wilderspin School,with the UK’s only fully restoredVictorian playground and StPeter’s Church, one of the moststudied churches in England. TheBaysgarth House Museum, setwithin 30 acres of parkland is abeautiful example of Georgianarchitecture. Brigg – Historic market town Brigg, which was granted a RoyalCharter by King John, has beenholding regular markets for over800 years. Brigg Heritage Centretells the history of how the towndeveloped from being a crossingpoint of the River Ancholme tothe town it is today, thespectacular centrepiece being aBronze Age ‘Raft’. Nearby isScawby Hall, a 17th CenturyJacobean Manor house set indelightful grounds and WrawbyPostmill, one of the last postmillsin the North. Steeped in history and with traditions goingback hundreds of years, North Lincolnshireis a delightful voyage of discovery.5NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE | HERITAGESt Peter’s ChurchThe Buttercross, BriggNormanby Hall No visit to the area would becomplete without spending timeat Normanby Hall Country Park.Take a look around the Regencymansion, previously home toformer Dukes of Buckingham. Seerural North Lincolnshire come tolife in the Farming Museum andbe taken on a nostalgic journey tothe heyday of kitchen gardeningin the Victorian Walled Garden.Steam Trains & Trolleybuses A trip behind a lovingly restoredsteam locomotive is alwaysunforgettable, but a trip aroundone of Europe’s leading steelproducing centres in Scunthorpeis really something special. If you are interested in transportheritage, then the TrolleybusMuseum at Sandtoft, home toBritain’s largest collection oftrolleybuses and motorbuses,really is a must-visit.The Old Smithy & Heritage CentreThe Old Smithy in the village ofOwston Ferry is just as it wouldhave been in 1958 when its ownerleft it. Today a museum, thebuilding has been expanded anddisplays photos of past andpresent village day life.Thornton Abbey and Gatehouse This enormous and ornatefortified gatehouse is the largestand amongst the finest in England.Built in response to the peasant’srevolt in the 12th Century, itoffered personal and spiritualprotection to its inhabitants. Lyingon the horizon you can still seethe abbey’s ruins with parts of the atmospheric Chapter Housestill standing proud and tall. Begin your journey into NorthLincolnshire’s past and feelhistory come alive as you wanderthrough its maze of rooms andpassageways or just experiencethe peace of the abbey ruins.North LincolnshireMuseum ScunthorpeFascinating displays ofarchaeology and local history can be discovered at NorthLincolnshire Museum. Themuseum hosts a range ofpermanent galleries and achanging exhibition gallery,including the magnificentJurasssic Sea and Steel Towngalleries. With the opportunity to explore through a range ofaward winning collections andinteractive displays, it really is anexperience for all the family.Complete with a courtyardtearoom and gift shop, it’s aplace where North Lincolnshire’shistory comes to life.NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE | HERITAGE6Normanby Hall Country ParkThorntonAbbey andGatehouse7820-21 Visual Arts CentreNorth Lincolnshire has a passion for the arts.Inspired by the rich landscape, colourfulfestivals and the gentle pace of life, manyartists have made the area their home.20-21 Visual Arts CentreScunthorpeHoused in a former Grade II listedchurch, 20-21 Visual Arts Centreis a leading venue forcontemporary arts. The venueoffers a year-round programme ofevents and a range of excitingregional and national exhibitionsacross six unique gallery spaces.The modern and stylish caféoverlooks the 20-21 courtyardand tranquil garden. The galleryshop is full to the brim withoriginal, diverse and exciting artand craft pieces. The Ropewalk BartonPreviously a rope factory, TheRopewalk is a regionallyacclaimed art centre in thelongest Grade II listed building inthe country. The quarter-milelong building has four galleriesand a sculpture garden, as well asa coffee shop and an impressiveshop selling unique art and craftpieces.Ropery Hall BartonAlso located in the previous ropefactory is Ropery Hall. Anintimate venue where you can getan ‘up close and personal’performance from some of thecountry’s top comedians andmusicians, watch a film or enjoylive theatre.The Steel Rooms BriggA visit to The Steel Rooms is avintage industrial themedexperience. Its gallery exhibitswork of contemporary artists,poets and composers who careabout our world; how we see it,live in it and use it. Relax in itsvintage café and browse the shopwhich sells both original art andcommercial pieces. The Old Tile Works BartonThe Old Tile Works is a fullyrestored operational tile worksand one of the last tile factories ofits kind in Europe. Its ArtisanVillage hosts a collection ofindividual open studios oftraditional local craftspeople andartisans, as well as a potter’sworkshop and garden potteryshop. There’s a stylish coffee shopand restaurant too, all set in 17acres of stunning rural land onthe banks of the River Humber. Events, Shows & Festivals While our attractions make for agreat day out, timing your visit tocoincide with one of our excitingevents will allow you to reallyexperience North Lincolnshire.From the traditional and uniqueHaxey Hood to vintage car shows,food festivals, outdoor theatreperformances, an aviation festivaland one of the biggest bike nightsin Europe, you will be spoilt forchoice.9NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE | CULTURE, ARTS & EVENTSThe Haxey HoodThe RopewalkNext >